
My name is Barbu Paul - Gheorghe,

Basically I’m a programmer, so the content of this blog will be technical in most cases.

The blog’s main purpose is to serve as an archive of things I’ve encountered and found useful or things I struggled with for future reference or just random thoughts of mine that I feel the need to document and share on the web.

Feel free to skim through my posts.

Online you can find me on:

GitHub: https://github.com/paulbarbu, this is the place where you can find all the open-source code I have written. I usually like to open-source my side-projects since I started learning to program by being part of an online community based on an open-source book, to which I contributed myself eventually (https://github.com/yet-another-project).

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-gheorghe-barbu/, this is, if you want, my CV. It should be up-to-date at all times. If something is wrong, please contact me about it.

The best way you can get in touch with me is via email: barbu.paul.gheorghe [at] gmail [dot] com I’m open to project ideas, corrections or improvements to whatever content I created online.

I’m also on Twitter, my handle there is @paulbarbu.

While offline, you can find me tending to other activities apart from programming, like running or DIY work around the house since I try to avoid screens and sitting as much as possible after work.